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Thanks so much for adopting from Motley Zoo!


​We hope that your new furry family member(s) is settling in well! Please feel free to share any stories or concerns you may have - we'd love to know how your sweetheart(s) is doing!

- Jump directly to our new adopter coupons & special offers -



Action Items For New Adopters:


1. Shop for Pet Insurance - It can literally be the difference between life and death!

It is critical that you consider pet insurance (especially before any young pet acquires a pre-existing condition)! Being prepared can literally be the difference between being able to save your pet's life- or face surrender/ euthanization in a crisis. Many animals we take in are from such happens when you least expect it!

We can't offer specific recommendations, as each plan is different for each animal, but Trupanion is a local company with good reviews!


2. Register your new pet's microchip

Motley Zoo uses the 24PetWatch brand chips. You can register the chip with them and it should be free. They do offer other paid features but you do not need these- so please be aware when selecting your options.


There is also a FREE database that has no ties to any other offers, services or products, called Found Animals. The service is provided by The Michelson Foundation, a private organization dedicated to improving the lives of animals. 



3. Pet Licenses

You may have been given a temporary King County pet license at the time of your adoption, but if you live outside that jurisdiction, your city and or county may require you to obtain a pet license from them.


There are many benefits to having a pet license. A license is the fastest way toward reuniting with a lost pet. As well, funds from such licenses go to fund animal control efforts- not just to keep animals off the street, but to fund shutting down dog fighting rings, building cases against animal abusers and more.


Not only is it the law in some areas (and you can be fined for not having a license), but your funds are going to promote better animal stewardship in your community.


Licenses are required in King County or in Seattle, if you live within city limits. Please check with your county for the laws regarding your community.



4. Employer Donation Matching

Your employer may offer the amazing benefit of matching donations (including hours volunteered), so please check with them to see if your contribution can be matched!

These funds are critical to amplifying our efforts to save the lives of animals in need!


We are already in the databases of many companies that offer this - and if you don't see us in yours, please tell us, so that we can inquire about how we can be included!



5. Training and Boarding


We now run Motley Zoo at Woods Creek Kennels in Monroe so we can board new and OG clients in a more traditional kennel setting. We are extremely busy though, so be sure to get your requests in as early as possible, so that we can reserve a place for your pup!

Cat sitting is not an option for us at this point, though we can refer you to others we know and trust!


Rock Star Board & Train
An extension of our Rock Star Treatment services we have offered in the past when we had our studio in Redmond, we now offer Rock Star Board & Train at our Monroe property, Motley Zoo at Woods Creek Kennels.  With different levels appropriate for your dog's age / needs, there is an option for just about every dog!  We look forward to hosting and training your canine companion!


Other Trainers

Method K9 has generously offered a 50% deep discount on their awesome online training program! Use code "MotleyZooRules" for an efficient, effective and affordable training opportunity!


6. Updates & Issues
We love hearing updates about our animals, and we encourage you to send them as often as you can!  Sometimes what helps us smile on the toughest of days (of which there are many in rescue), is the update from a Rock Star, reminding us that this work is critical and indeed, makes a difference. 
As well, we certainly hope everything goes smoothly when you get your Rock Star home and start settling in - though on occasion, some issues may arise.
Please tell us immediately if you have any concerns about anything - especially health or behavior!
Our role and commitment are not just to find the animals new homes, but to help support these animals and their families once they are united. Many times some simple advice can be the difference between a successful adoption and a returned animal.
Thankfully returns don't happen often; however when they do, we find that most people were suffering in silence, dealing with issues they didn't know how to manage...but never said a word to us. Please don't let that happen!

We'd like to note as well, that we are likely the BEST resource to ask first! No one knows about tricks and tips like us - and we know the animals better than anyone else.
It doesn't hurt to ask us - but it may hurt if you don't!

7. Pet Resource info from Bayer

This page offers some very helpful resources about basic pet issues. 

Coupons, brochures & special offers for new adopters!


Click image to download / print above Petco offers PDF file.

ATB Digital Adoption Coupon 2023.png
Animal Wellness FREE Digital Subscription Widget RESCUE horizontal.png

Live in Washington state?  Show your support for animal welfare by rockin' a specialty license plate advocating to SPAY, NEUTER & ADOPT - definitely something we can get behind! 


These specialty plates can be purchased through the Department of Licensing. $28 of the purchase price goes to The Washington Federation of Animal Care & Control Agencies to support their Spay/Neuter Grant Program. 


ID your pet in style and help rock rescue! Dog Tag Art supports animal welfare through their program allowing nonprofit shelters & rescues to receive donations of free pet ID tags!  Check them out for their fun designs that support rescues like Motley Zoo!  ​​


Your pet may have rotting teeth that need extractions, and a surgical dental may be required. However, anesthesia-free procedures can be done as maintenance for in between the need for surgical procedures. Going under anesthesia itself is risky for your pets, however there is another danger you must be aware of: the type of heat support your veterinarian uses to keep your pet warm while they are under.

On Feb 23rd, 2018, our Executive Director's beloved pup, Zelda, died of 4th degree burns sustained during a routine dental- because the a heating pad was used for heat support.

Please watch the PSA below to understand more about the problem and how you can prevent this happening to your animals:












Check out Zelda's Journey on Facebook to find out more about her tragic story and how you can participate in the Flat Zelda campaign to spread the word to other pet owners! 

Heating pads are not an acceptable method to use nowadays as there are so many specially designed, safer tools to use such as:

  • Bair Hugger or Hot Dog, which utilize warm air (that cannot get hot enough to burn)

  • Circulating water table which circulates warm water under your pet and cannot get hot enough to burn

The clinic where Zelda was treated had these tools available- but for some reason on that fateful day, the vet tech decided to forgo normal protocol and use this "shortcut".

Rice bags, microwavable discs and other similar tools may be utilized by your vet as well.

In general the nature of these is that once removed from the microwave, they begin cooling down and won't provide sustained intense heat like a heating pad can- so they are considered to be somewhat safer. There should also be a buffer between them and the animal, like a towel for increased safety.


However, please be aware as these too can get hot enough to cause burns- even life-threatening ones- depending on where the burn is. 


One of the dogs in the PSA died from a rice bag burn because it burned his sphincter so badly he could not defecate anymore.

The key is not overheating these items- and to test them on humans before placing them under an animal. If a human cannot stand the heat for at least 15 seconds, the item is too hot for contact with an animal at that point too.

It is critical you talk to your vet about whether they use the appropriate tools- and frankly, whether there are even heating pads around that could be misused.

The bottom line is an anesthetized animal should never be placed on a heating pad as they cannot make the choice to move should the heat become unbearable...


...if they can't choose to move, they will literally cook as though on a barbecue.


See Adoptable Animals

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