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Resource Index
(Click on the orange topics below to jump to that section or directly to its link for more information.)

Motley Zoo rock star alum kitty Eva

** If someone has been denied rental housing or homeowner’s insurance because of their dog, they can obtain the information to notify their insurance commissioner by going to: to share their story directly with the commissioner.  The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is committed to protecting insurance consumers from discriminatory practices.

  • Pet Adoption Gateway
    Free, trusted guide to help prepare you for what to expect during the adoption journey!

What should I do if I need to rehome my pet?

While this is never a happy occasion, sometimes it

is unfortunately a necessary thing. Before you drop

your pet at a (likely) overcrowded shelter, or worse

yet, let them run free, know there are rehoming options. provides local rehoming courtesy listings - be sure to keep checking back, as there often aren't any. 


Why should I spay/neuter my pet?

  • Helps reduce pet overpopulation

  • Lowers the risk of disease

  • Reduces undesirable behaviors

There are low-cost options available to help with the procedure. 
Click on the link to explore an interactive map highlighting low-cost clinics near you! 

How do I report animal abuse / neglect?

​If you witness animal abuse or neglect, you might be

afraid to report it; but hopefully you will be able to

consider the options, and take the plunge to be the

catalyst for changing animals' lives.

  • The first step is to DOCUMENT thoroughly the events. Write dates and times you witnessed things on your calendar. 

  • Make a report EVERY time you witness an event of abuse or neglect. In this instance, you have to be persistent in establishing a pattern.

  • If possible, TAKE PICS / VIDEO. This is what will really make the case, as such evidence is hard to deny or ignore.

  • If you are not sure what you need to do, call animal control for your jurisdiction. For most of King County, that is Regional Animal Services of King County (RASKC). 

  • If you are outside of King County, do a web search for "animal control [in your city/ town/ county]" and you should have a good place to start. Talking to any authority will help you get started on protecting the animals.

Please remember that the animals rely on you to be courageous and strong when building a case. You must speak up and be the voice for those who cannot defend themselves.

Thank you for caring and preventing further neglect, abuse and cruelty.

Don't Breed Greed:
The Horrors of Puppy Mills


Learn about the harsh realities of puppy mills by clicking on the following links.

Puppy Mills are evil - sign the petition to stop stores from selling animals

Surrendering an animal - "Owner Surrender"


One thing we are asked to do often, is to take in people’s animals when they can no longer care for them. This is called “Owner Surrender”.


​For us to consider taking in your animal, we need you to fill our our Owner Surrender Form – though please read on before filling out the form as we cannot take every animal we are asked to.  Thankfully, many times we can help- or will otherwise try to help by referring your case to other organizations who may be available when we are not.


​Another option is Rehome, for owners seeking to rehome pets. You create a profile for your pet, review the applications, meet the adopters and finalize the adoption. Whether or not our rescue (or any other) has room, you can do what we do, with the help of a team of people skilled and experienced in doing so.


We cannot take all the animals we are asked to.


​As a foster-based rescue, we can only take the animals we have foster homes ready, willing and capable of managing each animal we take in.​  This means someone (a volunteer) must be willing and able of caring for the needs of the animal in question. Someone must be capable of managing that animal’s medical needs or behavioral challenges- then also willing and available at the same particular time.


Because of this, our availability changes often- especially for specialized or difficult cases. What we had room for yesterday we may be full on today and there is no rhyme or reason, just logistics.  Either way, finding someone ready, willing and available is not easy to do with happy go lucky, loving animals - it is near impossible when it comes to those animals who have questionable behavior in their history.​ Because of this, we must realistically limit the animals we take in to those that we consider safe and otherwise adoptable.  Sadly, many animals we are requested to take are neither and we must decline.


​While we understand people want to give their animals a second chance, we can’t take unreasonable risks with our organization’s foster volunteers any more than an owner can with the people in their lives. In truth, our organization has more to lose than any individual owner- and we can’t gamble our organization’s future (and ability to help more animals) to take in one that we cannot realistically rehome.



We try to be a resource for anyone seeking information. We often have suggestions and ideas which may be able to help you- however, we will also be very open and honest about the situation.  We can only give suggestions from experience, and each dog is different.​  We are not licensed/ professional trainers, but work with licensed, professional trainers and seek guidance from them- as well, we can make referrals.​  There are some matters we may not be able to help directly to resolve, but we will always try to offer a suggestion, idea or other resource that may be more direct help.

​The key to “training” your pet is to try, try again. We are not magicians, but what we do, is with vigor, motivation and the belief that we don’t have the option of failure. Many times the reality is, we are the pet’s last chance.


​There are however, many issues that pet guardians can tackle themselves, before they become terribly frustrating or problematic- not necessarily requiring extensive time or funding, but instead may require a change in thinking, or habit on the part of the humans. In living with pets, problems are equally shared between the animal and the human- and sometimes this realization is very much the key to resolution.


​We are not doling out opinions, and any suggestions we make or advice we may give, should be pursued further with a licensed, professional trainer- especially regarding serious matters.  We will not make blanket statements over the phone or via email, and in seeking our advice; you may be referred directly to a trainer or behaviorist for an evaluation first, before we can even determine the root of the matter.


​Many of these folks will do a free evaluation, so do not let that stand in the way of ensuring safety for you and others when it comes to your pet- especially an aggressive one.

A Guide to Animal Adoption Photography


We get it: taking good pictures of your fast-moving little fur-babies isn't always the easiest thing.  When you're fostering an animal though, it's crucial that you work to take as many good photos as possible, so your animal can be "shown off to the world" in the very best light!  The goal of fostering is that your animals find forever home - and without good photos representative of your fosters, they might go overlooked. 


It's like if you see a "for sale by owner" listing for a home, where the photos are dark, under-exposed, poorly framed, likely move right along to the next listing, looking for a property with that visual "wow!" factor.  The same goes with adoption listings for our animals - we want them highlighted in a way that attracts potential adopters' attention - meaning they find their forever home and family that much more quickly! 

Learn to take great photos of your animal!

Check out this comprehensive and helpful guide to animal adoption photography hints from our friends at Adobe!


How to treat heatstroke in pets

Best Treatment Options for Heatstroke in Pets


With warmer temperatures, there is an increase of heatstroke or hyperthermia in furry friends. This how-to article summarizes the best ways to treat heatstroke, including IV fluids, thermoregulation, ice packs, and soaking paw pads.  Some products like hops (Humulus lupulus), 5-htp, marijuana, and methylxanthines, like caffeine and chocolate, can also lead to hyperthermia. 

Have questions about what to expect as you adopt a pet?  Try the Pet Adoption Gateway, a free, trusted guide to help you along your pet adoption journey!


With a support library, trusted resources, and exclusive discounts, you'll have access to vetted content and products to help you and your new best friend. As an added bonus, you'll be helping your adopted pet's rescue, in this case, Motley Zoo!!

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Spay & Neuter
Report Abuse & Neglect
Puppy Mills
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