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Give BIG, Get BAD

"Giving is not just about making a donation - it's about making a difference." - Kathy Calvin


Give BIG 2024

Tuesday, May 7th &

Wednesday, May 8th

Give BIG ($50+) and get a custom "bad" pet drawing!  You can make a difference to our animals!

Motley Zoo's year has started off with a heavy demand for our services - to the most critical and needy animals out there.


Unfortunately though, donations have been light and we're already well over our capacity for care. The animals need YOU to shower them with support TODAY!  You can even GIVE BIG early right now!

Give BIG ($50+) and get a bad pet drawing!

Join us in turning things around for the animals, those in the most desperate need -

animals that have no one else to save them! 

For the past four years, our very-own volunteers (of varying artistic abilities) have had an absolute blast drawing pet portraits as the donations rolled in, and this year we’ve got a bunch of new “artists” on board, who are ready to jump in and create personal masterpieces of your beloved pets!  Or maybe you could surprise a friend with one!

Our fundraising GOAL is $25,000 so that we can continue to fulfill our mission of saving as many lives as possible...compared to the past years, this is a modest goal, because in reality we need so much more.  We can only do this with YOUR help and incredible generosity like the last three years.  The animals need you now, more than they ever have before.

Rescue never stops. We won't either.

Even though we no longer have our Redmond studio / doggy daycare to raise critically-needed funds for our rescue animals, we are still persevering
the best we can with our boarding & training facility in Monroe - and we need your help more than ever! 

Who will benefit most from your donation?

Give BIG to rescue animals like Teefer Sutherland

Without adequate funding in our piggy bank, we would have been forced to say "no" to taking in Teefer Sutherland, this ridiculously handsome little ginger kitty, who suffers from a deformity of his jaw, causing his teeth to be misaligned.  He was purr-fectly imperfect in our minds, and even bonded with his very own emotional support kitten / best friend, Sue Snell., while in our foster care.  Your generosity helps us continue to say "Yes" to animals just like Teefer.  WIthout Motley Zoo, he would not have had this second chance and a forever home!

Simply put: the animals.

Since Covid hit in 2020, donations have steadily dwindled - and coupled with being forced to close down our Redmond studio / doggy daycare over a year ago, things have been really tough in our world.  We relied on the daycare as our largest source of fundraising for our rescue mission, and while we do have the boarding and training facility in Monroe, it simply has not been the same.


As a result, we are unable to cover the veterinary care for all the animals we are asked to save on a regular basis. 


Motley Zoo is known for providing care fo special cases like Teefer Sutherland, who would have been euthanized for malocclusion: a deformed jaw.


Shelters don't have the capacity to take on specialized care that falls "outside the norm" - but that's exactly what we are here to do.

However, we need the funding to support this kind of exceptional care...Funding we currently lack.

Does your employer match charitable giving?

Matching funds = more animals we can save! 

Save the Date(s): Tuesday, May 7th
and Wednesday, May 8th, 2024

Give BIG to save lives like Butterscotch Chip!

"It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving." 

            - Mother Teresa

So... what are you waiting for? 
The animals need you (and so do we!)  

Motley Zoo Animal Rescue
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